24 September 2017

Granfondo del Gallo Nero

24 September 2017

Quite a different day and a wonderful work experience: I had the chance to be the photographer of the Granfondo del Gallo Nero event, which was organized by the Chianti Classico Consortium. I was in Radda in Chianti to photograph the cyclists as they crossed the finishing line, as well as for the post-race party and the final awards ceremony. The lunch provided to all the cyclists together with a couple of good glasses of Chianti was a great opportunity to capture many original and fun moments.

I got to Radda in Chianti  more than one hour before the arrival of the athletes. This allowed me to take a few shots of the organizers as they prepared the event: chefs making food, assistants setting up the stands and the waiting staff getting the wine and the tables ready.

Then, the arrival of the first group of cyclists, the post-race pics, the interviews, lunch and the awards ceremony. A great day of sport, celebration and happiness.

The Chianti Classico Consortium needed a few pictures of both the awards ceremony and the arrival of the cyclists to share in real time with the press office. As the day went by, I chose some shots of the arrival and the awards ceremony and I sent them live for posting. In the following days, I created a full photo gallery with all the photos of the event.




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